Oct 24, 2023
Connecting Point Marketing Group: A Conversation with Juli Poteet and Rachel DeForge
On this episode of Talking Lots, Todd and Eli welcomed Juli Poteet and Rachel DeForge from Connecting Point Marketing Group (CPMG) to discuss the events they have attended. CPMG was founded in 2004 with the goal of bringing executives and suppliers together to discuss innovation in various industries, and hosts events such as Hotel Point, Multi Family Point, and Senior Living Point. Juli and Rachel explained that the events are not like traditional trade shows, as they are more focused on building relationships and having meaningful conversations. They also discussed how CPMG's founder has a mission to change people's lives, which they have seen come to fruition through the events. Juli and Rachel also discussed how CPMG has been successful in helping companies, providing 18% of their revenue, and how they were able to help the hospitality industry during the pandemic by providing a platform for companies to come together and figure out solutions. "We have been able to help the hospitality industry during the pandemic by providing a platform for companies to come together and figure out solutions," said Juli. "It's been really rewarding to see how our events have been able to help people in such a difficult time." They also discussed their approach to getting new executives and vendors, contractors, and suppliers, which includes data research, word-of-mouth, and ongoing marketing research. Finally, they encouraged potential vendors, contractors, and suppliers to join, as well as hotel executives, as there is no cost to attend and they will benefit from the customization and fun activities. "We want to make sure that everyone who attends our events is able to get the most out of it," said Rachel. "We have a lot of fun activities and customization options that make it a great experience for everyone." If you're looking for an opportunity to network with executives and suppliers in the hospitality industry, then Connecting Point Marketing Group is the perfect place for you. With their mission to change people's lives and their commitment to providing a platform for companies to come together and figure out solutions, CPMG is sure to be a great experience for everyone.